Winter 2024-2025
Registration Opens November 1st
Leagues & Start Dates
- Tuesday Over 30 Platinum Draft: Starts December 17th
- Over 30 League: Starts Week Of January 2nd (Current Fall teams have until November 24th to register / New teams can register starting November 25th if space permits)
Winter 2024-2025 Over 30 League Highlights
- 8 game regular season plus playoffs, 9 games guaranteed
- New Stillmat Hockey Floor
- Games will consist of two 23-minute halves
- League play is 4v4 w/goalie
- Over 30 league offers "" division levels; Division I, II, III or IV
- Over 30 league general plays games on Thursday & Friday evenings, but teams will have overflow games on Tuesday, Wednesday &/or Saturday evenings
- Over 30 registration rules: All current teams participating will have first opportunity to register for the next season with a $300 deposit by the end of the first week of playoffs. Following the first week of playoffs registration is open to all teams who would like to register. Once team cap is reached teams will placed on a waitlist.
- Over 30 team fee of $1495
- Tuesday Platinum Draft individual fee of $155 per player
- All league payments must be paid online before the start of the season
- Tuesday Over 30 Platinum is an invite only league. All players must be approved by GAH management before any player is allowed to participate in the league. If a player registers without approval they will be issued a refund without notice.
- All team rosters are final & locked after third scheduled game
- $35 per game referee fees
- Awards for 1st Place teams