Spring 2025 session II
Click Here To Register
All registered players for each division will be broken up into teams where they will play games on the scheduled Saturdays (dates below) for 8 weeks. The first 7 weeks of the season will be played as normal games & the last week will playoffs/finals. All games are played true roller hockey style of play, 4v4 with a goalie. Games will consist of two 23 minute periods. All division will have a max of 32 skaters and 4 goalies. Detailed information is listed below:
- Age Divisions: Under 9 & Under 13
- Season starts Saturday May 3rd for 8 weeks
- Season dates: May 3, 10, 17, 31, June 7, 14, 21, & 28
- Games played between 8am-1pm
- Limited to the first 48 skaters in each division
- Goalies Play For Free! To register as a goalie please email
- Games Consist Of Two 23 Minute Periods
- Cost: $130 per player and includes team jersey.